Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Equipment changes

So, to start off, an update on the equipment I use.  Previously I used entirely Fujifilm, a X-T1, a X-Pro, and at various times other models.  Also used a Sony RX100 Mk3 as a pocket camera which I later gave to one of the children.
But I lusted after a full frame camera just for the extra a larger sensor would provide.  Have always been a Nikon fan (my first "serious" camera was a Nikon).
So, off I went to Park Cameras, and back I came with a Nikon D750 together with a 24-120 lens, since supplemented with a 28-300 and a 50mm.  A great camera and am really pleased with the results.  I did find the extra weight a bit of an issue but bought a sling strap which takes the weight off the back of the neck - a great improvement.
But I wanted something for when I didn't want the bulk of the D750, so bought a pre-owned Fujifilm X-100T in black.  Makes me think I have a Leica (I did once) and about to become the street photographer of the year.  But a great camera.  Ok it is a fixed 35mm equivalent lens, but great images at reasonable size and weight.
Even so I still wanted something pocketable.  Looked at the Panasonic LX range but for some reason could not get on with them.  Eventually ended up with another RX100 but this time a Mk1 as I was never a fan of the (very clever) pop-up viewfinder.
And also being a Billingham bag fan could not resist a pre-owned 335 (even though if I was honest I probably don't really need it).  So now I have two of them - a khaki one and a tan one.
So that is where I am at, at the moment.  All I need now is the time to do some sustained and serious photography but work keeps getting in the way

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