Monday, 2 March 2015

New images

Just uploaded three new images to my Flickr account - or below.  No prizes for guessing the original image for the Abstract Seascapes!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Walk About

Working in London so spent yesterday evening wandering around Covent Gradem with the Fujifilm E-X1 and the 18mm (27mm in 35mm terms).
Haven't looked at the results yet - still thawing out!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Leadenhall Market, London

Using an X-E1

Something of an apology.....

....but have been so busy of late that this blog has taken second place - maybe even third, fourth or further down the list.
But, shortly, I will try to do better!
As an update have invested in a Fuji X-T1 and am very pleased.  Great range of features and very good image quality all packed into a small body (the camera, not me!)