Monday, 25 June 2012


Just back from seeing the Pina Bausch production last night at Sadlers Wells - amazing.  Now need to keep any eye out for a production of the Rite of Spring.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Gel transfer

Just tried transferring an ink jet print to canvas with Golden gel. Interesting but I need to improve my tecnique.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Sunny day.......but.........

I was working so only managed to grab a few seafront "street" images.  Not yet had time to look at them properly.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

eBook of Brighton

First draft almost finished.  Now need to work on the text, but at least all the images are there.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Somerset House and pigeon


Took some more images in my toilets and coat hooks series yesterday.  Now just need to get them finished,  Have also bought some Golden Gel to try photo transfers onto other materials.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Saatchi Gallery

Just been to see the current photography exhibition which in many images fuses photography and art. Some interesting concepts on show.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Canon FD 50mm lens........

.....arrived today - f/1.8, together with an adaptor to use with my 5N.  Manual focus, no auto aperture but f/1.8 should give great bokeh.  Should be fun!

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Shadows need sun

Spent most of the day in London and was looking to photograph shadows for a particular project. But shadows need the sun and when it did come out we were inside!

Friday, 8 June 2012


Just started working on a new book of images.  This time of Brighton seafront.  Look for my previous books on the iTunes Store.  Search for "Paul Powici".  Given that they are mainly image based they work better on an iPad.

Sony Nex 5N - update

So, I have been using the Nex 5N a little longer.
On the plus side I find the size and portability excellent and the EVF a definite bonus – almost a must have despite it’s ridiculous price!  My only lens, for the moment is the kit 18-55mm and I have been impressed by the image quality for a “cheap” lens.  Have bought a Canon FD 50mm f/1.8 on eBay together with an adaptor and when they arrive it will be interesting to see how a manual lens with manual focussing using focus peaking works in practice.  Have not had problems with the controls although of course the extra controls on the Nex 7 would probably be an advantage.
Still find it strange that the kit is sold with a flash but without body caps!  There also seems to be a shortage of Sony accessories as I would have liked the Sony half case, but I understand that production has been stepped up recently so some might become available soon.
I tend to work mainly in aperture priority and have not tried out any of the snapshot or scene modes, neither have I tried the panorama or other features – not really my thing.  In aperture mode have set the lower button to ISO, the right button to exposure lock, and the wheel to change aperture – seems to work well.  Like others I find the positioning of the movie button makes it liable to be pressed accidently although I have only done it once – so far!
The positioning of the strap attachment lugs could be further forward as the camera tends to hang “lens down” .
As mentioned above the EVF is almost a must have, although in bright sunlight I find the shadows tend to be blocked out but a small price to pay for the ability to see properly in bight conditions compared to the screen.
Now if only the weather would improve I could give it a good try out.  Hopefully, and according to the weather forecast it will be better tomorrow when I will be in London – fingers crossed.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

One view of Eastbourne No.2

The second one in the series.  Like the first this uses real net curtains but the image is in a box frame and the aperture in the mount has a deep window effect which means if you look through the aperture at an angle you can see more of the image - just like real life!

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

One view of Eastbourne

My image of Eastbourne with real lace curtains and inspired by John Piper.
I am also working on a second version and will post an image when completed.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Seaside Guest Houses

I am considering a series of images of seaside Guest Houses photographed to a common format or style. This is the first -

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Sony Nex 5N

Sold one of my other cameras and bought the Nex 5N with the EVF.  So far very pleased with the image quality but still learning the quirks.

Well it is a start .......

.....and more will follow.